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Autor |
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Temat: Guz pęcherza moczowego |
zosia bluszcz
Odpowiedzi: 9
Wyświetleń: 18196
Dział: Nowotwory układu moczowo-płciowego Wysłany: 2009-09-16, 22:25 Temat: PUNLMP |
PUNLMP czyli Papillary Urothelial Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential
Konfuzja nazewnicza wynika prawdopodobnie z faktu, iz nie jest mozliwe 100% stwierdzenie na podstawie badania cytologicznego, ze pacjent ma PUNLMP a nie brodawczka o niskim stopniu zlosliwosci - mozliwosc, ze jest to to ten drugi wynosi od 0 do 3%.
Stad PUNLMP traktuje sie zawsze jakby to byl brodawczak o niskim stopniu zlosliwosci - wyciecie a potem regularne cystoskopie kontrolne.
Niestety nie powiem Ci jakie sa standardy leczenie PUNLMP w Polsce.
cd konfuzji nazewniczej:
Pathology Case Reviews:
July/August 2008 - Volume 13 - Issue 4 - pp 144-148
doi: 10.1097/PCR.0b013e31817e183f
Case Review
Grade 1 Urothelial Carcinoma Versus PUNLMP: Current Status
Liu, Lina MD; Cheng, Liang MD
Nearly half of all bladder tumors are noninvasive (stage pTa) papillary neoplasms of urothelial origin. Histologic grading is one of the most important variables for a clinician to successfully manage such patients. However, contemporary classification and grading of papillary urothelial neoplasms remains unsettled. The purpose of this article is to provide current information with an emphasis on grade 1 urothelial carcinoma versus papillary urothelial carcinoma of low malignant potential (PUNLMP). The World Health Organization [WHO (1973)] classification for papillary urothelial neoplasms (papilloma, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 carcinoma) is still most often used compared with existing alternatives [such as WHO/International Society of Urological Pathology (1998), WHO (1999), and WHO (2004)]. The new terminology (PUNLMP) used in the WHO (2004) classification is of unproven validity and utility. Recent advances in the molecular grading of these tumors may soon supplant traditional morphologic classification, allowing a more precise and objective assessment of the biologic potential of these tumors.